Sunday, April 8, 2007

steel vs. bars

if you were in prison which kind of door would you prefer? a steel door with one of those slidy things at eye level or good old fashion steel bars?

i think it would depend on if you were alone or not. actually now that i think about it the steel door is probably the worst thing ever. not only would you probably go mad with loneliness, you couldn't even rub your mug against it for that cool noise. and even if you did rub your mug against it, no one would even hear you. bars wins!


princessgenius said...

i prefer bars also because they give little/no privacy. what's the fun of prison if you have privacy? plus, public shitting is my favorite activity, after public arguing with parents and public getting dumped by your significant other. again, do you have sex with strangers? thanks.

Joshua Sherman said...

now i feel comfortable with never receiving comments again - this cannot be surpassed