Monday, December 14, 2009

Best of 2009 and The Decade [Part 2]

Best Youtube Video of 2009


COLBY, The Christian Robot, is the greatest thing I've seen this year. Radiohead can whine about it, and Arcade Fire can prophesize about it (ooooOOOOoooo), but COLBY fucking GET'S IT DONE. What does that mean? Why don't you ask COLBY, because apparently he's got all the answers.

This scripture-spittin' robot is not just ANY computer though. He's convinced a playground full of children to pray for it, even though he doesn't know what a game is. If you question COLBY, guess what, he'll haunt your fucking dreams kid. How dare you disagree with your friends on whether or not it's wise to be friends with a soulless creature. And if COLBY can be programmed, what's stopping it from being programmed by Satan? Afterall, Satan's greatest trick isn't convincing the world he doesn't exist, it's PROGRAMMING A FUCKING COMPUTER WHO CAN CONVINCE CHILDREN TO LOVE IT.

Maybe we all ought to pray for COLBY.

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