Thursday, January 13, 2011

Robert Rizzo.

For those of you who don't know who Robert Rizzo is, he is a former city official from a very poor city, Bell, CA, who was stealing taxpayer's money and paying himself and other officials an absurd salary ($800,000/year for Rizzo).

He's probably going to jail (he's being charged on something like 50 counts of felonies) but for now he's soaking up rays working as a parking attendant, and this photographer caught this classic snapshot. It's not quite him ripping his pants while bending over to pick up a Twinkie he dropped, but still this backdrop is pretty classic. And that hat is just so cute!

(Don Bartletti / Los Angeles Times)

Would forcing Robert Rizzo to do cannonballs off a high dive -- constantly -- for the rest of his life at a community pool be considered "cruel and unusual?" Aww shucks.

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