Friday, April 23, 2010

The Cookie-Cracker Culture War: IT BEGINS.

Quote of the year comes from Revolution Muslim, the group responsible for veiled threats against South Park. Americans are too stupid to understand oppression because we are:

"Darwinist faggots who are as despicable as the rest, walking around eating your Triscuits."

the next generation of evil

when pressed why Triscuits...

"It doesn't matter what your favorite crackers or cookies are. They are not more important than the hegemonic wars the West is fighting against Islam."

understatement of the year, too.

Late Update:

It occurred to me there is hope in this culture war: the graham cracker. And what is the best use of graham crackers? Creating the most delicious sandwich ever known to man: the s'more.

We need to sit down at a campfire with these assholes, make 'em a s'more, and tell them ghost stories. Until they're ready to accept that invitation...

....Stack ya' grahams 'til they get sky hiiiiiiigh!

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