Thursday, October 25, 2012

National Review Goes There

Not that I give a shit about National Review's blog, but this is how they ended a post critical of Obama's Rolling Stone interview.

Yeah, so extraordinarily lame.  The shirt is stupid.  What is that white? Off white? That blue tie is horrendous.  What is that, a watch on his wrist?  What is THAT about?

And oh yeah, what's with the sleeves?  C'mon, really?  Oh look at me, I'm the president, I like to roll up my sleeves.  I'm getting serious about work.  Dumb dumb dumb.

And that grin, what the hell is that about?  Is he smiling because he knows something we don't?  That he's gonna tank the economy if he becomes president again?

And what about those stupid arms attached to his body, crossed over.  Is he getting impatient?  He looks sortof angry.  I wonder if they had to photoshop that smile onto him.

And seriously, can you fucking straighten your head?  Your left ear is tilted higher than your right, so you're obviously crooked, like your politics, or your brain is weighing you down.  Probably because you only have half a brain.

And what's with showing your teeth?  You are sending a clear message to the terrorists that America is weak.  And showing that you have all your teeth is an insult to half the world.  You're basically asking America to be bombed.  Probably begging for it, amiright?

So extraordinarily lame outfit AND pose. I'm just glad National Review was brave enough to go there.

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